Two bedroom shop-house for rent in Riverside

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Phsar Chas, Doun Penh, Phnom Penh
Ready To Move-In

Overview of Two bedroom shop-house for rent in Riverside in Phsar Chas, Phnom Penh

Two bedroom shop-house for rent in Riverside is a project located in Phsar Chas, Phnom Penh It has units

About Two bedroom shop-house for rent in Riverside

Perfectly located a block from Sisowath Quay, this large partially furnished shop-house is now available for rent at a very affordable price. Would suit office, shop, residence or a combination of all three. Shop-house features include: Two bedrooms (one mezzanine with en-suite) Two bathrooms Kitchen area Air-conditioning Two floors High ceilings Great street presence Rear and front access Original ID: DP2.C11

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